Downton Diggers Groundworkers
- Antreprenor săpături
- Antreprenor
- Antreprenor demolare
- Antreprenor gard
- Antreprenor general
- Antreprenor pavare
Till and Wylye Valley
GK Joyce Home & Garden Repairs
- Constructor terase
- Antreprenor gard
- Antreprenor pardoseală
- Antreprenor general
- Antreprenor acoperiș
Urchfont and The Cannings
JMW Carpentry & Builders Ltd
- Constructor case
- Companie construcții
- Antreprenor
- Constructor case personalizate
- Antreprenor general
- Antreprenor construcție interioară
- Constructor case din bârne
- Antreprenor încăpere cu geamuri
Urchfont and The Cannings
Dean Young Building Contractor
- Constructor case
- Companie construcții
- Antreprenor gard
- Antreprenor general
Warminster Without