Constructori și antreprenori în Egipt, Sixth of October 2 City • Pag.10
EGYCON Specialized Contracting company - إيجيكون للمقاولات المتخصصة
- Antreprenor
Sixth of October 2 City
كونكريت للمقاولات و الديكور
- Antreprenor construcție interioară
- Antreprenor amenajare interioară
- Antreprenor acoperiș
- Antreprenor tencuieli decorative
Sixth of October 2 City
شركه ايرام الهندسيه للمقاولات العامه والتوريدات العموميه
- Antreprenor general
- Antreprenor asfalt
- Antreprenor beton
- Antreprenor foraje
- Antreprenor izolații
- Antreprenor amenajare interioară
- Antreprenor pavare
Sixth of October 2 City
Engineering solutions contracting-الحلول الهندسية للمقاولات
- Antreprenor general
Sixth of October 2 City
Idea Telecom for Engineering Contracting "ITC Co."
- Antreprenor telecomunicații
Sixth of October 2 City
Rock of Egypt
- Antreprenor general
- Antreprenor foraje
- Antreprenor telecomunicații
Sixth of October 2 City